New DC&WM solutions

Technology that’s crucial to the future

Without proper technologies for the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear plants, or the containment and disposal of radioactive waste, we leave future generations severely unequipped. That’s why Ansaldo Nucleare invests in projects to further the development of technologies which keep nuclear power plants safe.

The lifecycle of a nuclear power plant

Decommissioning and waste management is a vital phase of a nuclear power plant’s lifecycle. The industry has consistently invested in this area, in the search for innovative technologies and solutions to segmentation, decontamination, system management, structures and components. ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principles are applied to minimise waste volumes and achieve radiation protection targets.

The issue of radioactive waste

Radioactive waste is a huge burden for future generations. That’s why Ansaldo Nucleare is heavily invested in the development of pioneering technologies for the treatment and conditioning of radioactive waste. These technologies include the reduction of spent ion exchange resins by wet oxidation, the minimisation of waste disposal volumes at low and medium activity via the decontamination of metal waste with phosphoric acid, and simplified processes for vitrification.

Why are waste management technologies important?

The advancement of technologies that can minimise and contain long-term radioactive waste is absolutely crucial for future generations.

With this in mind, we’ve invested in the production of high-integrity nuclear containers (CONTAS) for the storage of medium-sized waste. These containers are qualified to securely hold waste for a century, or in the face of any incidental events.

Collaborative projects in decommissioning and waste management

Ansaldo Nucleare works alongside many other Italian organisations on several Horizon 2020 projects that focus on radioactive waste management and the decommissioning of nuclear power plants. These projects include:

  • The PREDIS project, set up to target the development and implementation of activities for pre-disposal treatment of radioactive waste other than nuclear fuel.
  • The CLEANDEM project, an EU-funded effort to develop a technological breakthrough for decommissioning and dismantling operations.
  • The INNO4GRAPH project, designed to develop innovative tools for dismantling graphite moderated nuclear reactors, and also EU-funded.